Thursday, October 13, 2011

Health and Medical Information for Taiwan
Health and Medical Information for Taiwan
Travel tips for your trip to Taiwan Hotel Maps Famous Places in Taiwan helps you to make your trip to Taiwan in the holiday a Splendid One

Healthcare facilities are good and doctors are well-trained. Imported medicines are expensive, but locally produced and manufactured medicines are plentiful. Health insurance is recommended.
Food and drink:

All water should be regarded as being potentially contaminated. Water used for drinking, brushing teeth or making ice should have first been boiled or otherwise sterilised. Milk is unpasteurised and should be boiled. Powdered or tinned milk is available and is advised. Avoid dairy products which are likely to have been made from unboiled milk. Only eat well-cooked meat and fish, preferably served hot. Vegetables should be cooked and fruit peeled.
Other risks:

Vaccination sometimes required for Japanese B encephalitis.